The College of Radiographers standards for CPD are outcome based, not ascribing a point system or unit of time. CPD is intended to result in an outcome of learning that maintains or develops practice.
An event, programme, or short course that has been endorsed by the College of Radiographers has demonstrated that the content meets the professional body’s required standards for Continued Professional Development (CPD) and a number of core CPD Now outcomes.
CPD Now is the College of Radiographers online CPD portfolio system. Endorsement is awarded by the College’s Approval and Accreditation Board.
CPD Now endorsement is applicable for study days, conferences, events etc. that are not credit bearing (for example, PgC, PgD) and do not confer competence.
If your provision intends to confer competence please apply for short course approval.
Endorsement is valid for two years although any substantial changes to a programme during the two year period would require re-submission.
On completion of the endorsement process event organisers are entitled to use the CPD Now endorsed logo on publicity, workbook and reflection materials and also on attendance certificates.
A form of words that indicate which CPD Now outcomes the event has been endorsed as helping learners to meet may also be used. Further information is forwarded to organisers of events once an application has been successfully reviewed.
The College of Radiographers has a flexible pricing structure and NHS/Private providers who organise small group events, for example student tutorials and learning sessions where attendees do not pay a registration fee are encouraged to contact [email protected] for discussion and details. Discounts are available to those who wish to endorse a large number of events or resources; please contact [email protected].
The College of Radiographers accepts payment by cheque/bankers draft, BACS, or credit card. We are happy to invoice on receipt of a purchase order in favour of the College of Radiographers and confirmation of where to direct the invoice. We are unable to review applications unless payment has been received or agreed with evidence of a purchase order.
Please note that all endorsement applications must be submitted at least 6 weeks prior to the endorsement being required but preferably as soon as the event details are finalised.
We endeavour to complete all applications in a timely manner and this is dependent upon staffing; last minute applications, for example three days prior to the event, are not guaranteed to be completed.
We are unable to review applications for events and activities that have already taken place.
Contact [email protected]
No fee
£278.50 + VAT
25% discount on standard fee or 40% discount on 10 or more courses.
£109.00 + VAT
40% discount on 10 or more courses
Entitled to up to 10 applications per academic year with no further charge.
An application may be deferred if a decision cannot be reached about endorsement; commonly the reason will fall into one of the following categories.
This link will take you to frequently asked questions about advertisement of courses etc.
The page provides instructions about how to add a notice of an upcoming event to the website and other methods of advertising. If you have CPD Now endorsement then be sure to highlight that you have endorsement approval in your description of the event. Also, including the learning objectives that were listed in your endorsement submission will be useful for potential applicants to consider.
CPD resources are endorsed against one or more of the core CPD Now outcomes. The outcomes are:
1. Practical skills
2. Knowledge base
3. Work safely
4. Legal/ethical frameworks or guidance
5. Communication skills
6. Manage knowledge/information
7. High-quality health care/education services
8. Patient centred care and choice
9. Inter-professional/agency working or learning
10. Leadership/management skills
11. Workforce development or staff governance
12. Service design
13. Financial planning
14. Support and guidance for learners
15. Understanding/application of teaching, learning and/or assessment
16. Curriculum design, planning and development
17. Widening participation in education/recruitment and retention of learners
18. Integration of education and employment
19. Evidence to support practice
20. Knowledge and skills in audit/research
21. Contribute published research evidence
22. Further the profession
23. Professional body/trade union