The College of Radiographers

in partnership with the Society of Radiographers

The College of Radiographers (CoR) was incorporated as a company (company registration number 1287383) limited by shares on 18 October 1976 and is also a registered charity (charity number 272505).

It is the only subsidiary of the Society of Radiographers. 

The Society of Radiographers and the College of Radiographers are two separate companies operating together as the Society and College of Radiographers. They provide service and support for those involved in radiography and promote the science and practice of radiography for the benefit of patients and the public.

The address to the office of the College of Radiographers is:

207 Providence Square
Quartz House
Mill Street
London SE1 2EW

The business of the College is overseen by the College Board of Trustees, who are the organisation’s governing body. 

The College publishes an impact report which can be found here.

CoR Safeguarding policy

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