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Changes to College of Radiographers (CoR) Advanced and Consultant Practitioner Accreditation
Please explore the FAQs below. If you have a question surrounding the change that isn't featured below then please contact for more information relating to the old Accreditation Schemes.
The decision to close the Advanced and Consultant Practitioner Accreditation Schemes follows a period of review by the CoR. This review was initiated following a number of internal and external sector changes which impact upon the advanced and consultant levels of practice.
These have been detailed within the statement released by the College and include the publication of the revised CoR Education and Career Framework (ECF), a review of the scheme’s usage to date, the emergence of various other national frameworks at the advanced and consultant level, new external systems for recognition, and other works by the regulators.
Both schemes will be closed to new applicants with immediate effect.
Those who currently hold an active accreditation from the old schemes will have this honored by the CoR until the individual’s period of accreditation ends.
If you currently hold an active accreditation as an advanced or consultant practitioner, you will remain accredited until your current period of accreditation ends. You may continue to hold the title of ‘CoR Accredited’ until your current period of accreditation ends. You will be able to access your existing accreditation certificate via CPD Now as normal, but you will not be able to begin your re-accreditation application.
In light of the various internal and external sector changes as detailed within the CoR's statement, the College will be developing alternative resources for those working at the enhanced, advanced and consultant levels of practice in radiography and sonography. This includes the development of practice level-specific mapping tools for those working at the enhanced, advanced or consultant level of practice.
Additionally, work has begun on the development of professional guidance to support advanced practitioners in non-traditional roles.
In the longer term, the CoR will be seeking to strengthen its work in post-registration programme approval as a further means to supporting the development of the workforce at the enhanced, advanced and consultant levels of practice.
These planned works are in addition to the various forums, Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and advisory groups which are available to members. They offer the opportunity for advanced and consultant practitioners from across the UK to network and collaborate across a broad range of topics and practice areas.
Most recently a new Advancing Practice in Radiography SIG, Radiography Research Development Network, and Palliative Therapeutic Radiographer SIG have been established.
For further information on these or the other forums available please see the SoR website.
The practice level-specific mapping tools will allow practitioners to evaluate how closely they align with the professional body expectations associated with their level of practice, helping to identify any further education and development needs relative to the individual’s current level of practice and/or future career goals.
Individual’s may then use their mapping activity to support discussions with their service manager around their education and development needs or to help them engage in strategic career planning through targeted continuing professional development (CPD) activities across the four pillars of practice and in alignment with the ECF.
The mapping tools will support a greater understanding and awareness of the expectations associated with the enhanced, advanced and consultant levels of practice for radiographers and sonographers, across the profession.
Some of this work will be partly supported through NHSE funding as part of the NHSE Professional Body Educational Reform Commission and will also include initial scoping of education provision at the enhanced, advanced and consultant level of practice against clinical service need.
Work is underway on the development of the practice level- specific mapping tools with final publication expected by December 2024. This timeframe includes a period for piloting the resources with members.
Publication of professional guidance to support advanced practitioners in non-traditional roles is expected by March 2025.
Yes, the CoR will be seeking input from its members on the piloting of the resources in the autumn. Further details will be made available via the SoR website.
No, given the growth across the sector in the advanced and consultant practice space it would be impossible for the CoR to be able to accredit every practitioner at this level of practice.
As a professional body, the CoR can provide guidance, assurance and examples of best practice but are unable to regulate advanced and consultant level practice for the workforce.
The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) recently published an updated statement on their position concerning regulation of advanced practice, which remains unchanged.
However, all individuals have a responsibility to work within their own scope of practice, maintaining their CPD evidence against their advanced or consultant level role. In mapping to the knowledge, skills and attributes as defined in the ECF, practitioners will be able to demonstrate whether they align with the professional body expectations associated with that level of practice.
This will inform individuals and employers of any further education and development needs.
This will depend on individual circumstances and the expectations of your employer.
As a starting point use the ECF to determine and identify any learning and development needs relevant to your current role and level of practice.
You should then discuss how these may be best fulfilled with your employer. Depending on regional and local funding access, there may be the potential to have further education or development fully or partly funded by your employer or alternatively, self-funded depending on personal circumstance.
It may be possible to build on previous qualifications, gaining recognition of prior learning (this might include formal credited learning, non-credited learning and /or experiential learning). Seek advice from your local higher education institution on the possibility of having previous learning recognised, as each education provider will have their own requirements and guidelines.
Additionally, those in England may be eligible to apply via The Centre for Advancing Practice supported eportfolio route as a way of gaining recognition of educational equivalence. Please see The Centre’s website for further details and eligibility criteria.
For funding information, please contact your Regional Faculty for Advancing Practice.
If you have undertaken your training after 2017 (or if you live in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland), it may be possible to seek recognition via alternative means. This might involve building on previous qualifications or gaining recognition of prior learning (prior learning might include formal credited learning, non-credited learning and /or experiential learning).
You should discuss this with your manager as they may be able to support or signpost you to relevant resources. Seeking advice from your local higher education institution on the possibility of having previous learning recognised is also advised, as each education provider will have their own requirements and guidelines.
A ‘non-traditional role’ refers to roles which see radiographers working beyond traditional scopes of practice, and often outside of the clinical imaging or radiotherapy setting. For example, being involved in specialised care pathways such as frailty, emergency care, fracture liaison/orthopaedics, specialised stroke services.
It may be that no course currently exists which would fulfil the learning needs relevant to your role. However, across the UK, some higher education institutions (HEIs) offer the option of undertaking a negotiated module(s) as part of a Master’s programme of study.
This model facilitates the development of bespoke roles necessary to address clinical service need and enables education to be delivered in partnership with increased collaboration between education providers and clinical services. If you, or your service manager, have identified an education and training need relating to a non-traditional role it is advisable to contact your organisation’s AHP lead or Regional AHP lead who may also be able to offer support and guidance.
Contacting your local HEI to seek advice on how best your training needs might be addressed, for example through negotiated learning if available, is also advised.
Contacting other appropriate organisations relevant to the task/or role, in addition to the Society of Radiographers (SoR), is also encouraged as they may be able to provide additional advice and guidance e.g. for interventional practice development, the British Society of Interventional Radiology.
As part of the NHSE Professional Body Educational Reform Commission, the SoR has begun work to develop professional guidance to support advanced practitioners in non-traditional roles, with publication expected in March 2025
The CoR will continue to offer CoR programme approval to education providers who can demonstrate alignment to the professional body expectations, including the ECF. To support education providers in achieving this, programme practice level-specific mapping tools will be created. Completion of the relevant mapping tool for a given programme will be a requirement when seeking CoR programme approval.
This work will be partly supported through NHSE funding as part of the NHSE Professional Body Educational Reform Commission which includes scoping of current education provision at the enhanced, advanced and consultant levels of practice against clinical service need.
Implementation of these resources will see the embedding of the ECF into practice, through supporting the growth of practice level appropriate post registration education and competency development across the four pillars of practice at the enhanced, advanced and consultant levels of practice.
The SoR recognises the challenges faced by many of its members in terms of time, funding and support from departments in accessing education and training. As an organisation we are actively promoting the embedding of the ECF into practice, particularly with service managers through various national events and our CoR programme approval processes. Helping those leading departments to recognise the importance of factoring protected time, funding and support around education and development is key.
Service managers can use the ECF to inform the development of level appropriate job descriptions and scope of practice, and for signposting to appropriate education and training pathways. Both individual members and service managers may therefore use the ECF as a negotiating tool when seeking access to further education and training or funding.
Other guidance also exists to support discussions and job planning specifically at the consultant level of practice Consultant Radiographer – Guidance for the Support of New and Established Roles (second edition) | SoR
The SoR 2024 Manifesto details the need for workforce planning now and for the future, for effective training and development routes to be available at all levels through to enhanced, advanced and consultant practice. Our Trade Union colleagues continue to lobby government on behalf of its members on these issues.
The CoR has carefully considered its actions in closing the Advance and Consultant Practitioner Accreditation Schemes as detailed within its statement. This included a thorough review of the various external sector changes taking place and internal review of the schemes. Given these external changes and the low levels of engagement with the schemes to date the College Board of Trustee’s is supportive of the cessation of the schemes in favour of the development of the alternative resources as detailed within the CoR statement.
The Society and College of Radiographers will continue to work in the interests of its members. This includes supporting members with employment related issues via its Trade Union and Industrial Relations (TUIR) team. Support and guidance on professional and education matters is available through the SCoR Professional & Education Team.
The SCoR will continue to provide opportunities for collaborative working and shared learning through its various forums, specialist interest groups, and advisory groups, as well as education and development opportunities via its programme of conferences and events.
The College of Radiographers will continue to strategically engage with relevant external stakeholders across the advanced and consultant practice space and across the four nations with the goal to ensure that the profession and capabilities of the profession are fully understood and supported.
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