Radiographers are likely to be one of the first healthcare professionals you meet on your journey to diagnosis and treatment. The College of Radiographers can signpost you to helpful and reputable support services.
The Patient Experience Library - keep up to speed with the latest and best evidence on patient experience and patient/public involvement.
Cancer in children - links to many childhood cancer charities and helpful information
Macmillan Cancer Support - information about all types of cancer, including diagnosis, treatments and drugs, as well as advice to help with the different ways cancer may impact your life.
LGBTQ+ people and cancer - Macmillan and Live Through This cancer charity have produced this booklet for people who are LGBTQ+. It has information about navigating healthcare, cancer, and cancer treatment.
Cancer Research UK - cancer symptoms, types, causes and living with cancer
Breast cancer- more information about diagnosis and treatment from cancer research UK
Marie Curie - for information, support, events and on line chat
Prostate cancer UK - information, support and research
Live Through This a charity providing peer support for LGBTQ+ people with cancer
Stroke Association- hope after stroke, hear patient stories
Dementia UK - understanding dementia and support
Alzheimer's Association - Alzheimer's, the most common cause of dementia
MS Society - symptoms, support, treatment and research.
Have you recently been diagnosed with MS? Find out more here.
Are you still undergoing tests and awaiting a diagnosis? This factsheet may help.
For more information theMS Resource Hub can help.
Headway- the brain injury association
The Royal Osteoporosis Society - information, treatment and support
Managing your pain - managing your pain in rheumatoid and osteo arthritis
NHS Overview Muscular Dystrophy