National Research Profiles
National Research Profile documents available to download
The cookies that we use make our website work and helps us to analyse how the site is used by our visitors and improve our services.
Here you can manage how we can collect data and use cookies for the purpose of analysing website traffic and personalising content within this website but NOT on other websites. You can also manage how Google and other technology partners collect data and use cookies for ad personalisation and measurement.
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The collection of information about your use of the content, and combination with previously collected information, used to measure, understand, and report on your usage of the service. This does not include personalisation, the collection of information about your use of this service to subsequently personalise content and/or advertising for you in other contexts, i.e. on other service, such as websites or apps, over time.
The collection and processing of information about your use of this service to subsequently personalise advertising and/or content for you in other contexts, such as on other websites or apps, over time. Typically, the content of the site or app is used to make inferences about your interests, which inform future selection of advertising and/or content.
Allow Google and their technology partners to collect data and use cookies for ad personalisation and measurement.
The collection and processing of information about your use of this service to subsequently personalise advertising and/or content for you in other contexts, such as on other websites or apps, over time. Typically, the content of the site or app is used to make inferences about your interests, which inform future selection of advertising and/or content.